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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On a hot day...

"On a hot day, just sitting on the beach doesn't make you feel any better. You have to take a swim in the sea. But, you can't just sit in the sea, or you'll drown. So swim around in the sea, until your better, and if you swim a little far out, there'll be someone on a boat willing to help you get back"
 That is one of my own, personal beliefs, that I have thought up. At first, you may think i'm really talking about a beach, and a hot day and such, but I'm not. What I actually mean to do by this is to address people's emotions and feelings. Sometimes things happen in your life, and you may think staying away from any bad feeling about it is the only way to feel better, but it's not. It's okay to feel sad, or mad, or even depressed. And if you get stuck in it, you have to trust that you'll have friends to help you get out of it. Just like getting stuck out at sea, there's gonna be someone there to pull you out, because your not alone. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome to the Blog!

Alright, so this is really my first time blogging. My friend wanted me to join her in the blog world and I'm nervous. I figured if she was gonna make me, I'll make it something I'm good at.
Once a week (if i can) I'll be making different posts about some of my personal beliefs towards different stages and events in Life.
I am only 13 so, I might not be that good at it, but i have been named a genius and philosopher more than once and I'm really hoping I can shed some light on some things for many people. If you'd like to talk to me one on one, my email is silvermist98@gmail.com. :) Thanks, and I hope you enjoy.